Sunday, February 27, 2011

What I Saw This Weekend.

 I guess I am feeling the Springy, Flower vibe, especially with all the beautiful flowers and tress I came across over the weekend.   I  just felt like these Flowers and Trees needed to be seen by someone other than just me. 
There is nothing like a beautiful garden to make you feel amazing and warm.   Oh, and  my Little adventure was with my Mom and Grandmother, two of my Most Favorite People in the world.   
Here are some of the beautiful sights  that we saw, and a few I saw  when I got back to my humble abode. 
All of the Garden shots are from a  Garden, in the city where my parent's live.  
They are so Lucky to have such a place.

 These Trees are right down the street from my Parent's house

 H's Beautiful Fish tale braid that I just learned how to do, thanks to Linley, from the ever so cute Blog 
And H's extremely cool, New, Hand me down, Purple Shoes From her Aunt S.  I might have to borrow  these.
Did You See Anything Beautiful This Weekend?


  1. The images are so beautiful!
    Wish it was like that here in england, but it's been raining instead!!
    lovely braid!

  2. Very pretty garden. I love that yellow tree.

    Today is actually nice outside. Very clear skies after yesterday's rain. It's going to make everything very green this spring :)

  3. H has such beautiful red (strawberry blonde?) hair! I am looking forward to getting back out in my garden. I plan to share a garden ReStyle project of sorts that I did a few weeks back.
    Come check out my 30! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  4. Oops, I meant a few YEARS back :D

    BTW, I posted my button! I still need to update my header and clean up my sidebar so I can add your button and some others!
    Come check out my 30! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  5. Great photos, love your shoes!!!

  6. wow! these pics are amazing dear!
    they make me crave spring so much..

  7. Your photos are great! You mean the whole world isn't laboring beneath two feet of snow still?!
    I love the flowering trees, I can't wait to see ours flower again.
    I adore the golden-red tresses that are braided so beautifully.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. I love those pale yellow flowers. I want some of those in my garden.

    I can't wait for my girls to be grown-up enough to borrow their shoes!!!

    That braid looks great. I stared at it for a while before I saw your comment below it, wondering how to do that!

    I'll have to go and find out!


  9. What beauties you saw!!! So envious!!! Just came back from Florida...and here in pretty flowers!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. So beautiful . . . longing for spring to come to Chicagoland.


  11. Great inspiration photos - especially all those flowers as we are still in the rain/snow part of the year.

  12. You have a beautiful blog. I am your newest follower. Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas:-)


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