Thursday, February 3, 2011

Somethings Gotta Give, Necklace.

I have been wanting this necklace that Erica Berry, aka Diane Keaton, wore in the movie  "Something's Gotta Give" since the movie came out in 2003.  WOW that was 8 years ago.  Well, I am just getting around to making one.. I guess I was busy. :/
Look at Diane Keaton.  How great does she rock her 60's. 
She is so BEAUTIFUL.

 I made this this morning in about 20 minutes.   I used the pearls from my necklace that broke and the jute from the Pearl Necklace that I made yesterday.  I think the hardest thing was deciding  how long I wanted it.  I guess this is a Re-Style.?  I might do another one with some pretty stones, maybe teal blue for spring..

 I love Easy!!!
Have a Marvelous  Thursday morning Everyone.. 


  1. Oh, I think a teal one would be awesome!

  2. Love the necklace! Love Diane Keaton too! Great job!

  3. I love this necklace! Thanks for following my blog & your lovely comments on my dresses! Don't forget to enter my Glamorous Giveaway for Fashion Friday Runway! Any fashion item you have sewn!

  4. fabulous idea and great way to recreate that look that we all loved. You're right - any color bead and cord would be fabulous.

    Thank you for your email - I did receive it and appreciate your replies! Sorry, I guess wordpress and blogger don't really play that well together.

  5. oooh I like it! I love simple things that are beautiful.

  6. Hi there, checking you out, too... what a fun, refreshing blog! Following along as well... ;-}

  7. Hi there~ What a darling necklace- this is so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday-I saw your comment about linking up the wrong post- no worries! Nice to meet you! :)

  8. I also remember that necklace! lol cant believe its been 8 years and its still fashionably relative :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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