Thursday, February 17, 2011

Art -Glamour Girl.

New Addition to my Art Collection.  
I had a dream about this picture last night.  
That is how most of these drawings come to me, 
I just see them in my mind. 
I nick named her Glamour Girl, 
I would love to go where she is going!!


  1. You're so talented! i want to go where she's going too!

  2. this may be my favorite yet! can I come over and color? kthanks! =)

  3. I was in your dream? I'm pretty sure this is me from the Daffodil Pageant in high school. Wow, I used to be a foot taller! :D

    Seriously, what an awesome job! You are über talented!

    Come join the Fashion Blog Flash Mob! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  4. Your drawings are great Anne! Love this one - she's sassy!


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