Saturday, November 16, 2019

5 Minute Tee: The Liera. Repost

I made this Tee Shirt in about 5 minutes in 2012.( The Hair :)
 If you are looking to spice up a plain shirt this one is really easy
 and reeks of instant gratification.
Great project for teens to do over the Thanksgiving Break
 you could even use a long sleeve Men's tee.
and style it with a colorful tank underneath.
I love going back and grabbing inspiration from past projects.
Sending Love and Light to you all.


Things you need

  1. Tee-shirt~ I used a Men's Medium.
  2. Scissors
  3. Chalk
 Cut out the collar.

Flip your shirt over  so the back is facing you.
With your chalk  draw  a shape like the one above.
I eyeball everything 
This is  about 10 inches across and about 10 inches down.
draw lines going straight across about one inch apart.
I did 5 lines but you can do more if you want.

Cut each line.
Careful not to cut the front of the shirt.
Stretch gently
to make the material tubular.
 cut a slit up one side of the shirt about 10 to 11 inches.
 Tie it to fit you.

All done

I love easy Tee shirt re-do's
Have a wonderful Friday.
Lots of <3,