Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fashion Class, Week#3

Hello all!!
This weeks class was fantastic, and they keep amazing me with their ideas. Thank you so much, Ashanti, Brianna, Brandi, Shelbi, Jordan, and Jessie  for being such wonderful young people. You all constantly opened my eyes to new and awe inspiring things. I am so very happy that I was able to meet you.
So that is  enough with the talk,
let me just show you what  fantastic things they created.

 Left to Right.   Brianna, Ashanti, Jessie, Jordan, Shelbi and Brandi.





And this is all of the leather Clutches and Phone cases that they did.
Didn't they do a beautiful job..?
I hope everyone in my Classes has a wonderful end to their summer.
Drop me an E-mail and let me know how you are doing..
Many Hugs!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Floral Pretty

Tonight we celebrated my son's  birthday, meeting some of the extended family out for a wonderful dinner. I love my Family and I am so happy that we are all close. 
Thank you all for celebrating it with us.
Happy Birthday G!!
While out I snapped a few shots of H.  She looked just beautiful to me tonight.
I  love her Style!

I hope your Friday was superb.
Mine was!
H and I say, " Ta Ta for now! "

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Easy Leather Clutch

Happy Thursday Everyone. 
I hope all of you have had a positive and  successful week.  I wanted to share with all of you what we are going to do in class tomorrow. An easy Leather clutch or phone case. The point of this project  is that Design and Fashion is not only clothes but accessories as well. I am giving them the basic design ,but I want them to embellish it, creating their own design. I love working with leather it is such a great medium. So for all of you at home here is the plan.

Things You Need

1. Cut your leather. I used a 8 by 11 piece of card stock as a template.
2.  Fold up the bottom,  tape the two pieces together holding it into place, while you punch holes in it. I punched about 9 holes on each side.
3.Take your leather cording and lace it through the holes. Tie a knot at both ends.
4. Put in your magnetic snaps. using the video instructions HERE.
5. Make an embellishment to cover the snap.

6.Cut three pieces of leather and braid them to make the strap. Tie a knot at both ends, then attach  the braid using the hole punch and leather cord.

and that is it.
I hope all is well with everyone.
One more week of Fashion class and I will be back to my normal blogging schedule, lots of clothes posts.
I really miss doing them.
Friday is here.
I cannot wait to show you what class did this week.
Linking to
Blissful and Domestic

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cup of Bling

I know all of you have been seeing these cute DIY bracelets that have been popping up everywhere. Via  Honestly WTF and I Spy DIY.
H and I made few few last week,  and experimented with different materials ,  here are just a few we came up with.

 Above are  just a few of the materials  I experimented with.
Then I followed these instructions from Honestly WTF, HERE.
The possibilities are endless.
Have Fun,
 and have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Project Re-Style #29 Pink T-shirt into off shoulder Tee

Happy Monday Poppets!
I hope your week has started out perfectly.  I wanted to let you know that for the next 3 weeks I will be working with different ways to Re-Style a T-Shirt, for my Project  Re- styles.  Why is that you ask?  Well because the class I am teaching has no access to sewing machines, and there is little or no sewing involved in my t-shirt designs.  I am going to push my imagination, as well as the imagination of my students by re working T-shirt as many ways as I can.

While I was thinking about this idea, over a nice steamy bowl of homemade chicken soup and some very tasty oyster soup crackers, the little saying on the oyster soup cracker box caught my attention.  It says at the very bottom in a very plain font, "The World is Your Oyster Cracker." I started to think about this, and wondered what exactly does this saying mean?  Does it mean I am the oyster and the pearl is the life I make with it, or I am the pearl and I am what my world shaped me to be or am I a grain of sand?   I don't even like Oysters.  I did go and look it up and it says it means.   If the world is your oyster then it is a place where you can get something of great value with ease.

It comes from Shakespeare - The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600). The world is the place from which one can extract success and profit, as a pearl can be extracted from an oyster.

Falstaff: I will not lend thee a penny.
Pistol: Why, then the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open.
(Act 2, Scene 2)
Getting the pearl requires the oyster to be opened. But despite the hardness of the oyster shell, they can be opened with ease. Oyster shells are held closed by a single muscle called the adductor. Oysters are shucked (opened) using a thin knife to cut the adductor muscle. Once the adductor is cut, the shell falls open.
If the world is your oyster then it is a place where you can get something of great value with ease.

Well, I have nothing against pearls, but I want my oyster to make a BIGGGGGG  Diamond, so I can extract it.
What do you want your Oyster to make?

Thank you Dimi, for showing me where this saying actually comes from.

Now for Re-Style #29
T-shirt into a off the shoulder, side gathered, shirt.
Things you Need
1. Shirt
3. Needle and thread
4. Cord or ribbon 14 inches long.
5. Extra material for the  side gathering.  3inches by 6 inches
6. And any extra material for around the collar. I used what I cut off.

 1.Cut the collar to the size you want. Try on your shirt and mark where you want it.
2.Turn your shirt inside out and on the side you want to gather fold your cord in half, place down your cord with the 3 by 6 material on top and stitch around it leaving the bottom open.  Make sure you stitch the top of the cord where the cord is folded in half.

 3 Turn your shirt right side out and take the extra pieces you cut off the collar, cut them into two pieces and    tie a knot in the middle of each one.
4.Hand stitch them to the top collar.
5. I added a piece of gray t-shirt I had left over, tied the two pieces into a knot and hand stitched that on the shirt.

 6. I gathered up the sleeves the same way I did in project Re-Style #27 HERE

7. Then gather up your cord on the side and tie it into a bow.
    I added wooden beads to the end of each cord.

And with that you are done.
Wasn't that fun, and quick.
If you have any questions, Please email me.

29 down 23 to go
click the picture for all the details 
about Project Re-Style.
Have a wonderful night everyone.

I have a another great class this week . 
I cannot wait to show you what they are doing..