Monday, September 23, 2013

Shirt Dress:DIY

 Take a XL Men's dress shirt and turn it into a cute dress.
Head on over to see the DIY on
 Brassy Apple.
Have a wonderful Monday.
Lots of <3,

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shirt Re-style: Sheer back DIY

This shirt was a Liz Claiborne shirt I wore in college that I absolutely loved.
 I will not even tell you how long ago that was.
I found it at my parents house hanging up in my old closet
and thought, "oooo I could restyle this classic shirt."
Sheer backs are so popular now, why not update an old shirt into something new.

 Things you need
  1. Old shirt
  2. Scissors
  3. Sheer material
  4. Sewing machine
  5. Straight Pins
  6. Chalk
Lay out your shirt
Cut out the back at the seams.
use your cut out as your template
Lay it on top of your sheer material,
 mark it with chalk and cut it out.
 Pin it on the underside of your shirt.
all the way around.

cut the bottom of the material however long you want it. 
Hem if necessary.
Now you have an updated shirt from a classic.
Have a wonderful Saturday.
Lots of <3

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monogrammed Bags, DIY

Make your own Monogrammed bags!
 Head on over to I Love to Create for my full tutorial.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Lots of <3,

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wild Blueberry Pancakes

 I posted a picture of some pancakes I make last weekend 
and a few of you asked me for the recipe. 
I Thought this would be a great Sunday morning post, so here you go.
This is my version of Blueberry Pancakes. 
Just for the record Kevin has asked me to make these every weekend, 
and because he feeds me almost every night,
 I feel like I am getting off pretty easy.
This an extremely easy and fast recipe.
I hope you all enjoy.
Dry Ingredients
  1. 2 cups of Bisquick
  2. 1 1/2 Tbs of Sugar in the Raw
  3. 1 tsp of ground cinnamon
  4. 1 tsp of baking powder 
Wet Ingredients
  1. 2 eggs
  2. 1 cup of whole milk
  3. Frozen Wild Blueberries
  4. 1 tsp of  pure vanilla extract

Oil for the pan.
  1. Coconut oil

#1 In a large bowl mix all of your dry ingredients together.

#2 add all of your wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.
#3 Mix well and let the batter sit for about 5 minutes
 That is  just enough time for your  pan to heat up.
Heat your Pan on medium heat.
Put about 2 tbs of coconut oil in the pan.

 Pour your batter in the pan.
After about one minute, add your blueberries.
Let your pancakes cook until large bubbles form on top of  your pancakes.

 flip them over let them cook until done about 2 to 3 minutes.
of course add Butter and Maple Syrup .
Then Enjoy.
I have tried these with fresh blueberries  and Kevin and I agree,
 the frozen Wild Blueberry Pancakes are better.
Lots of <3,

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wire and Crystal Bangle Bracelets, DIY

I got this idea from a beautiful lady who is very creative. She came to see me one day and had on these beautiful gold and coral bead, wire bracelets. I asked her where she bought them from and she told me she made them.  I asked her if I could do a DIY tutorial for them and she said "oh you definitely should." Thank you K for the wonderful idea.

Things you need.
  1.  20 Gauge Wire
  2. Pliers
  3. Crystal Beads
  4. Ruler
 Cut your wire about 24 inches long.
measure around the widest part of your hand.

wrap your wire to hold the size you measured.
 string on your first bead
 wrap that to hold the bead
 Keep adding a bead about every inch and a half,
 and wrapping the wire....
 until you get to the end.
To finish, wrap the end wire a couple of times around.

Use your pliers to clap down the wire so it does not stick out.

 Make a bunch of them.

Have a Wonderful Day !
Lots of <3,
For more DIY Go